Spectator's View

What Competition?
Basketball is a game that calls for a collective team effort; there is no “I” in the word TEAM! Do you think the Cavaliers have been reminded of this? Will they be ready for game three in their house?
Games 1&2 of The 2016 NBA Finals; what a disappointment! Regardless of who you’re rooting for, the series, thus far, has been a disappointment! All year long, most NBA fans have been waiting to see the Warriors vs. the Cavaliers with all men on deck on both teams! We were expecting a series that might go the distance with close scores; not happening! The competition is almost nonexistent! Game one, Cleveland 89, Warriors 104, a 15 point difference! Game two, Cleveland 77, Warriors 110, an even larger loss, a 33 point difference! Scores no way near close; ergo, competition little to none. The Cleveland Cavaliers, as they had shown themselves in their road to the finals, did not show up! LeBron James, thought of by many as the greatest player on the planet, a player who has gone to the NBA Finals 6 consecutive times, “The Freight Train” cannot and should not be expected to win the games single handedly; albeit, he didn’t shine either! He contributed only a total of 44 points in the two games’ loosing efforts! In game one of the 2015 Finals, he scored that many points by himself! Who shot JR? In games 1 & 2, he only contributed 8 points to the losing efforts! Who took the “love” out of KLove? He only contributed 22 points to games 1 & 2’s losing efforts? KIrving contributed only 36 points to the loosing efforts and finally, TThompson, although he contributed 18 points to the loosing efforts, he only blocked 1 shot! I won’t mention the turnovers the Cleveland Cavaliers committed resulting in 26 Warrior points! The Warriors, on the other hand, came ready for bear! They defended their championship status and did so with a vengeance!
Win, lose or draw, we all want to see a competitive series! Basketball is a game that calls for a collective team effort; do you think the Cavaliers have been reminded of this? Will they be ready for game 3 in their own house? For all basketball fans everywhere, let’s hope so!
Tags: Basketball
I agree.